Virgin Read online

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  If he wants to be rough, I’ll be rough too. I suck on his neck until it’s red, something I learned on an online article about sex. The article explained a lot of things about guys that I never would’ve figured out otherwise, or at least until I have had sex a bunch of times. The article said things about how guys love when you suck their balls, and that you have to be rough with their penises, and that they might like it when you play with their asses but that you should ask first. I don’t want any ass play, not to him or to me, at least not yet. Vanilla penis in vagina sex will do just fine for now, but maybe I should add some sprinkles of penis in mouth and him licking my clitoris. That sounds like a good ice cream.

  It takes us a while of making out to get warm enough to dare start taking our clothes off. I already said Utah is cold, but we’re normally not cold inside a house. However, Corey’s house heater isn’t too great, so it’s still pretty cold inside. That’s not going to stop me, or him, though. Corey grabs the sides of my sweater and starts pulling up, and my sweater pulls up my shirt and my undershirt, revealing my naked stomach.

  I’m not cold. I’m not cold. I’m not cold.

  Corey pulls my clothes through my head and I’m left just wearing my bra, and my jeans, underwear and socks. But the top half of my body is almost completely bare. That’s something I’m not completely comfortable with yet. But I’ll get used to it.

  I roll around and pull David on top of me, and then I help him take off his hoodie, and then his shirt, and undershirt. There’s something about sex that I think I’ve learned already, and that’s that you’re supposed to get naked together. We have to go like this: First the jackets, then my sweaters and shirts, then his sweaters and shirts, then my bra, then his pants and socks, then my pants and socks, then his underwear, and finally my underwear. It’s a just system that makes the guy and girl take their clothes off one by one, in order, until they’re both naked. It wouldn’t make sense if I got naked first, and then he got naked.

  Or apparently, it does make sense, because Corey pushes me back on top and takes my bra off, and before I can try to pull his pants down he takes mine off, and my socks, and leaves me cold, with nothing but my underwear.

  “Are you nervous?” he asks me, with his face very close to my vagina, and his fingers starting to pull down my panties.

  “Yes,” I say, honestly. Of course I am nervous. For the second time in my life, I’m about to lose my virginity. But this time it will surely happen.

  “Can I?” he asks, and my virgin, nervous brain starts to look for a reason to say no, to stay always a virgin. But I want it much more than I’m afraid that we won’t be able to do it again, or that it will hurt too much, or that it won’t feel as good as I hope it will.

  “Do it.”

  Corey smiles and pulls my polka dots panties down, revealing my freshly shaven pussy. I shaved it as soon as Corey sent me the text earlier this morning. It’s the first time I’ve shaven it, and I like it. It feels cleaner, but colder. I mean, I’ve trimmed it before, but never actually shaved it. It makes me feel so young, so naive, such a virgin.

  He has touched me before, he did last week, but I’m still not used to it. It’s so different, so great. It’s so hard to explain, it’s the same feeling, but because someone else is doing it it just feels so different, so great. I guess is sort of like the difference between getting up and making your own breakfast and waking up to have your breakfast made for you so you can eat it in bed. I mean, the pancakes and bacon will probably taste the same, but just because someone else made them, they are much more special, much more delicious.

  Corey leaves the panties around my knees, making me feel trapped, dominated. And he pushes my arms down to my sides. I have no escape. He dives in, slowly, and breathes on my vulva, and just the warmth of his breath is making me drip. I can feel it, like a tear of happiness, a drip of my wetness coming out of me and sliding down my leg. With his index finger, Corey teases me. He moves the finger around my lips and my clit, not getting too close but not getting too far away, staying in the right spot so it’s ticklish, but not too much. He doesn’t want to scare me again.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks me and I smile a response. “Can I do more?” I smile again, he’s so great, asking me for permission, being a gentleman, knowing it’s my first time.

  “Yes,” I moan, and very slowly he traces down until his finger reaches my clit.

  I don’t remember how many nerve endings the clitoris has, but whatever number it is is more than enough. Wow. Just with a little touch from Corey, my whole body squirms, I moan, and I feel like I’ve never been this happy. And it’s just starting. His finger moves down my lips, separating them, and then around them back up until he reaches the clit again. It’s like a race car, going around and around the same track, and it’s just as exciting. If this is what watching Nascar feels like, then sign me up! I’ll be a redneck. Corey uses his middle finger now, to mirror the index one, and if two heads are better than one, then two fingers are also better than one. I want to open my legs, give him more space, but I can’t. My panties are holding my legs together, holding me back. Corey is so patient. I’m ready, I want his cock now, but he’s still touching my clit, and my lips, making sure I’m wet enough, making sure I’m ready. Well, if I can’t get his dick in my vagina, then I’ll get it in my mouth!

  I move my arms to get up and try to push him down, to take his pants off and suck his dick. I think I’ve said it before, but I haven’t given a guy a blowjob either. I know, if I was olive oil I would be the expensive extra virgin one. But today I want to do everything I can! It took me nineteen years to get to this point, and I don’t know how much I’ll have to wait to get to a guy’s bed again, so I’m going to do as much as I can. Except for anal, I’m not ready for that. Yet.

  I start pushing him down, but he holds me back.

  “You’re not ready,” he tells me. And I want to argue and say that I am, but I said that last time and that didn’t work out to well. He pushes me back down and then, with his teeth, he pulls my panties down and off my legs. I’m so cold, everything is cold except for my vagina.

  Corey goes back to my pussy, but instead of using his fingers he uses his mouth. Again, with his tongue he tickles my clit and around my lips. But his tongue is so warm, and wet, and it moves so smoothly, that it feels much better than the fingers. Things feel better and better, I can’t even imagine how much better it’ll feel when he sticks his penis inside of me.

  Corey starts sucking now and I moan so loud I think even my sister heard me back home. Wow. That’s something you can’t recreate by yourself, not with your fingers or a dildo or a vibrator. There’s no way you can get the sensation of someone sucking your vagina, unless it is with someone sucking your vagina. My whole vagina and clit are in his mouth and he sucks and licks it and sucks it again, there’s so much going on, so much that has never happen before.

  My legs start shaking and my stomach pulls me up and my head falls back. I moan again, louder, like a scream, and I realize why the music has to be so loud, because sex gets loud. I try to hold it back, but I decide not to because today I don’t want to hold back. Today I want to go all the way and enjoy myself. Corey holds my legs apart with his hands, so I don’t close them. I don’t want to close them, but I can’t control my body. It’s incredible, it’s great, it’s unique, it’s beautiful. I hold his head and his hair as a thank you.

  “Thank you!” I say. Thank you. Thank you. And he laughs, proud, as he continues, even faster. He pulls one of his arms up, and with his hand he plays with my nipples, first with the left one and then with the right one. Corey licks around my vulva, and then in between, and he makes his tongue go hard and he pushes it in softly, and then one more time, and one more time. His one hand stays on my breasts, and his mouth keeps sucking and licking my lips, and then his other hand goes to my clit. It’s the trifecta. The best thing ever. The bees knees. “I’m coming,” I say. “I’m coming.”

orks. I see fireworks while my body dances by itself and the orgasm travels all around my body, from my toes to my forehead. It takes me a whole minute or two to come back to life.

  “Now you’re ready,” Corey smiles as he gets up and unbuttons his pants, letting them drop, and then he pulls his underwear down. His erect penis raises up and points at me. We haven’t even started the real sex and I already feel like I’m done. I’m so glad multiple orgasms are a thing.

  The penis looks at me, like a microphone, waiting for me to sing to it. But I’m singing a song I don’t know the lyrics to.

  “Kiss it first,” Corey tells me, reading my mind. “And lick around it. Tease me, like I did you.” I get on my knees and crawl on the bed towards him and then, finally, I get to taste a penis. It’s salty, like skin, but something about it tastes like home. Like eating your favorite cereal from when you were a kid. I lick around the trunk and I kiss the balls and I kiss the tip. “Good. Good. The tip is the most sensitive part, so you gotta be careful with it. Use your saliva, and your lips, and your tongue.”

  I make some saliva in my mouth, enough to wet my whole mouth, and I get close the penis. Then I look up at Corey, asking for permission.

  “You have pretty eyes,” he says. “I love eye contact when you’re blowing me off. It kills me.” Got it! So I use my technique for kissing with my eyes open to suck him with my eyes open, always looking straight at his eyes. I open my mouth, just enough for the tip to get in, and then slowly I pull the whole head in. I’m doing it! I’m sucking a dick! “Don’t just let it soak in there!” Corey laughs. “You have to move your mouth, in and out, and use your tongue to mix it up. You can suck on it too, sometimes, it hurts if you do it too much.”

  I suck on it, to see if it’s true. And he shivers. It feels great, to make someone shiver, to make someone feel so much pleasure. I move forward and backwards, and lick around the head. I go slowly first, because I don’t want to hurt him, and after a minute or two what starts to hurt is my jaw. I pull it out of my mouth and stroke it with my hand.

  “What’s better?” I ask him. “The hands or the mouth.”

  “What?” he says. “Are you kidding me? The mouth is a hundred times better, the mouth is as good, or sometimes even better than the real thing.”

  “I wonder if it’s the same way for girls.”

  “You’ll find out in a minute,” Corey smiles at me and I realize again that I’m not done, that even though I already orgasmed that I can keep going. Being a girl is great. “Now open your mouth again.”

  I do, and now instead of me moving my lips, he thrusts in and pulls out, and thrusts in again. He’s fucking my face, and it makes me feel so great. Giving other people pleasure is so great.

  “Hold the balls,” he orders me, and I do. “And stroke with one hand.” I do too, and he can’t talk anymore, he moans now, and shivers. This probably feels as good as when he was using both hands and his mouth to play with my vagina and pussy. But he can’t cum! If he does it’s over. I read that somewhere. He gives a last thrust and then pulls out and it’s all so fast his wet penis slaps my face, and it makes me smile. Quickly I’m starting to realize that I like being used, dominated.

  “That was good,” Corey says. “You learn quickly.” I giggle. I’m so happy. Corey walks to his closet and opens a drawer, and from under his socks he takes a box of condoms, and a small container. “I bought lube, to make it easier.” But I don’t think I’ll need it, I’m literally dripping. “Are you ready?” He asks me, and there’s only one answer.

  “Yes.” I say.

  We get in position, with him laying on the bed with me on top of him. It’ll be easier and less painful if I’m in control. He rolls the condom on his penis. Until last week, I didn’t know you had to roll the condom down, I thought you just had to push the penis in. Then, when the condom is ready, Corey drips a little lube on the head and spreads it around. It’s shiny and wet, and slippery, there’s no way it is not going inside me. I get in position and move my hips down until his penis is touching me. With my hand, I guide it to the right spot, with a little bit of force it will go in.

  “Take it slow,” Corey says and I smile at him. I think I’m starting to fall in love with him. Then, slowly, I push down. Fireworks again. Fireworks and a little bit of pain, like using a muscle you haven’t used in while.

  “It’s in,” I announce. I did it! I finally had sex! I’m not a virgin anymore! It’s only the head so far, but it’s something. Wow! I’m so happy I could call it a day, but we are just starting. I let it rest for a little, and then I pull away and in again. I put my hands on Corey’s chest for support and slowly I let the penis get inside me more and more. My vagina keeps expanding, painfully. It is painful, there’s no doubt about that, but I know it’ll be worth it. And as soon as I get used to it, it stops hurting and it starts feeling good.

  “How is it?” Corey asks me, and I give him a moan of approval. “Is it all you ever wanted?”

  “Not yet,” I tell him, and I start to move deeper and faster.

  Corey lays there with his arms to his sides, not moving, letting me do my thing. I stretch my back up and move my hips around, so his dick will get in more smoothly. If I move to the right I feel his dick more to the left of my vagina, and if I move to the left I feel it more to my right. If I move forward it’s more to my back, and if I move backwards it’s more to my front. Where’s the G-spot, then? I really want to find it, I want to know if it’s really a thing.

  Up, and down, and up, and down. It’s so simple, but so great.

  “Let me try something,” I say, and he smiles a go ahead. I go all the way up, pulling his dick out of me, and then I slowly but firmly try to push all the way down. But his dick is so big, and it hurts a little, but I know I can do more so I try it again. All the way out, and all the way in, and his penis goes even deeper. And I do it again and it goes deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until it’s all the way in. Then I lay there for a while, amazed at how I made his penis disappear. I’m a sexy magician.

  “Let’s try something else now,” he tells me, and I realize there’s so much more to do. I was so focused on his penis being inside of me that I forgot there are other positions, a whole Kamasutra of them, and that there are other speeds, and that he can move and use his hands and kiss me. I get excited again.

  He pulls out and flips me on my back, and as he’s getting in position to penetrate me again I see that he’s penis is a little red. Blood. I’m officially not a virgin anymore. I thought it would be more painful to break my hymen.

  Then, with him on top, he pushes in and goes all the way in. It’s so much easier and faster, now that my vagina is stretched and wet.

  “Tell me if it hurts,” Corey says to me.

  “It won’t,” I tell him and he smiles as he starts to move in and out and in again. Damn, it feels so much better when he’s the one moving. If I’m moving I know what’s coming and how it’s going to feel, but if it’s him moving, it’s all a great surprise.

  He kisses my lips and my neck as he thrusts inside me, then he grabs my breasts. I can start to feel the orgasm building up, and it’s building up fast. I’m not a virgin, and I love it! Take that world! Take that younger sister!

  I moan and Corey start to move to the rhythm of the music. Bum! Bum! Bum! It’s like we’re dancing. No, it’s so much better than dancing. I try to say something, I try to tell him how good it feels, but my tongue is twisted. He grabs my legs and pulls them up, so he can go deeper even easier, and I literally scream. It’s not a painful scream, it’s an orgasm. I close my eyes, or I open them, or I pass out. I don’t know. I could’ve died and come back to live. I don’t remember, I just remember the intense pleasure. I can feel the hormones going through my body and my brain telling me that this is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I think they’re right. Corey keeps fucking me, and I keep orgasming, and when I’m done orgasming I realize that it’s cold, and that it’s night time, and that I’m sweat

  “Wow,” I tell him and he laughs. “That was amazing.” I look at him, he’s still inside me, and he doesn’t look as tired and happy as I do. “Did you…?

  “Not yet,” he says. Not yet. Those are the two most beautiful words a girl can hear. “Any position you’d like to try for the grand finale?”

  “I thought that was the grand finale.”

  “Nope, it’s just the end of the third quarter.” And even though I don’t watch basketball, I understand his reference.

  “Is doggy any good?” I ask him, and a second later he’s flipping me around and putting me on my knees on the bed.

  “It’s a good one,” he grabs my ass and hips and moves me around. “You want to keep your butt up, it’ll feel better for both of us.” I do as he tells me, I lift my ass proudly, like they do in porn, and then he pushes his dick in.

  I kind of knew this from before, from my masturbation sessions, that every time you orgasm, the next time it gets easier and faster, at least for girls. But today I got to confirm it. As soon as Corey starts to penetrate me from behind, I can feel the orgasm building up again.

  My vagina is getting sore, more sensible, but I think that’s why it feels so good. It’s like drinking hot coffee, it kind of burns but it still tastes great. Corey grabs my hips with one hand and with the other one he spanks me, and again it feels great, degrading. I’m his, I’m his to do what he pleases. He spanks me again and then reaches for my boobs, and my nipples, and he kisses my neck, and he breathes hard.

  He goes fast, faster, the fastest, and I’m having a hard time staying in all fours. He moans now, and that makes me moan. I love making him feel good, it makes me feel good. He grabs my head, and my hair, and pulls it a little, just enough for me to feel it but not enough to hurt.